Questions about sharing your personal information
What personal information do you need to share?
Sharing your personal information will help your DES provider find the right job for you.

This includes personal information about your:
- health

- education

- work experience

- interests and goals.

It also includes personal information about:
- your culture

- the language you speak

- if you have taken part in a crime.

Your DES provider will ask you to sign a form to say it’s ok for them to collect your personal information.

It’s ok to change your mind after you sign the form.

You don’t have to sign the form if you don’t want to share your personal information.

But it will make it harder for your DES provider to help you find and keep a job.

Who will your DES provider share your personal information with?
Your DES provider will need to share your personal information with other people that support you.

This includes:
- your doctor

- other providers you use for support

- employers.

How will your DES provider keep your personal information safe?
Your DES provider must follow the law about keeping your personal information safe.

They must also tell us straight away if they think your information isn’t safe anymore.

You can visit the DSS website to learn more about keeping your personal information safe.