Questions about DES providers
What happens when you meet your DES provider?
When you meet your DES provider, they will:
- talk to you about their services
- explain how they can help you.

A DES provider will also ask about your life and what you want to do.

For example, they will ask:
- what work you want to do
- what skills you have
- if you want to do more training.

You will need to share personal information with your DES provider.

For example, information about your:
- health
- education
- work experience.

You can find out more in our section below: Questions about sharing your personal information.

How will your DES provider support you?
Your DES provider will support you to:
- get ready for a job
- find a job.

They will talk to employers for you.
An employer is a person who hires people to work for them.

After you get a job, your DES provider will support you to keep it.

DES providers must support you in a way that:
- makes you feel safe
- helps you feel like you belong.

DES providers must also respect your culture.
Your culture is:
- the way you live
- what you believe
- how you think or act now because of how you grew up.

You can visit the JobAccess website to learn more about how a DES provider can support you. external website)

What is a Job Plan?
Your DES provider will work with you to create a Job Plan.
Your Job Plan will explain what you both agree to do.

When you create your Job Plan, you should think about:
- what you need

- how much you can work.

When you create your Job Plan, you should also think about:
- your skills and experience

- what transport you would use to get to work

- what might affect your ability to work

- if you need time to care for your family.

Can you choose your own DES provider?
You can choose a DES provider that is right for you.

You can use the JobAccess website to find a DES provider. external website)

You can search for DES providers by:
- location
- name
- service type.

If you don’t choose a DES provider, one will be chosen for you.