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Under the National Disability Agreement, the Australian, State and Territory governments agreed to contribute a total of around $11 million for a program of data, research and development.

A National Disability Research and Development Agenda was endorsed by Disability Ministers in November 2011. The Agenda aims to increase the focus in research on issues facing people with disability and seeks to influence research relating to disability across a range of national research initiatives and sectors, including education, transport and health.

The Agenda identifies research and development priorities that build the evidence base for policy and practice change relevant to the outcomes of the National Disability Agreement and the National Disability Strategy. The Agenda sets out research and development principles, and desired areas of inquiry, and is being used to guide the allocation of the national funding commitment for disability research and development.

Activities under the Agenda are managed by the Commonwealth Government, through the Department of Social Services.

Resource details

Date published: 1 Nov 2011
Last updated: 29 Nov 2024

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DSS1160 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1160