NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce

The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce provided advice to government on key design and implementation of new regulatory arrangements.

Purpose and role

The taskforce was established in February 2024 to provide advice on the design and implementation of the new graduated risk-proportionate regulatory model proposed in Recommendation 17 of the NDIS Review Final Report(Opens external website) in consultation with the disability community.

Following an extensive period of consultation with the disability community, the taskforce advice was released on 2 August 2024.

The advice sets out a number of recommendations on:

  • the design and implementation of the graduated risk-proportionate regulatory model
  • a Provider Risk Framework
  • arrangements for platform providers and circumstances where participants directly employ their workers

The government is carefully considering each of the recommendations contained in the final advice and will commence consultation on the design elements of a new model from October 2024.

Taskforce advice

Read the:

Accessible formats of the advice:

Read the fact sheets of what the advice means for providers, workers and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants who self-direct their supports:

The final consultation report provides a summary of people’s feedback to the taskforce on the design and implementation of a new risk proportionate regulatory model. Read the final consultation report.

For more information, read questions and answers on the taskforce advice.

Terms of Reference

Read the full version or Easy Read version of the Terms of Reference.

Working groups and consultation activity 

Advisory Working Groups 

The taskforce was supported by subject matter experts who formed the Advisory Working Groups (AWGs) to co-design specific activity in areas of concern. Members of the AWGs were invited by the taskforce members, and were carefully selected to include:  

  • government 
  • peak bodies 
  • service providers  
  • people with lived experience

The taskforce consulted 5 AWGs which reflected areas of focus which were highlighted in the taskforce’s Terms of Reference. The 5 AWGs by focus area included: 

  • participants and nominees 
  • disability care workers and organisations 
  • providers and regulators 
  • intergovernmental 
  • academic and policy

These groups, along with public consultation: 

  • strengthened the taskforce’s advice on key design elements of a proposed regulatory model; and 
  • ensured the taskforce was informed by the disability community, as well as the provider market and workers, to ensure best outcomes 


The taskforce hosted a series of roundtables across Australia where they heard from communities on specific topics that helped inform the final advice to government on the design and implementation of the risk-proportionate regulatory model and the Provider Risk Framework. The taskforce hosted over 30 roundtables and topics included:  

  • young people with disability 
  • women with disability 
  • the use of mainstream services  
  • advocacy issues


On 4 April 2024, the taskforce held a live public webinar to introduce themselves and the work they were undertaking in the sector.  

Read the list of questions asked during the webinar. 

Watch a recording of the introduction webinar(Opens external website). 

The taskforce hosted open roundtables in webinar style to hear about topics of interest. Three of these webinars are available online. Select the links to watch the webinar recordings.  

Public submissions 

In addition to the roundtables and webinars, the taskforce requested submissions from members of the public via DSS Engage. The submission process opened on 6 March 2024 and closed on 5 May 2024.  

The taskforce received over 700 submissions from people with disability, their families and advocates, NDIS providers, workforce representatives, and other relevant stakeholders.  

Submissions received from this process were considered by the taskforce and helped inform the final advice.  


Taskforce members were chosen for their extensive breadth and depth of knowledge and expertise in the rights of people with disability, the interests of workers, the care provider market and market regulation. 


Ms Natalie Wade, disability rights lawyer  


Mr Michael Borowick JP, former ACTU Assistant Secretary 

The Hon Vicki O’Halloran AO CVO FAICD, former Administrator of the Northern Territory and former President of National Disability Services Australia 

Professor Allan Fels AO, former chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. 

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