Implementation and monitoring

This response is the first stage of a broader program of reform to address the Disability Royal Commission’s recommendations. It will do this alongside other disability reforms.

Implementation will progress in a staged and sustainable manner alongside reform in response to:

  • The Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • Ongoing implementation of actions under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, and
  • State, territory and local government disability strategies and inclusion plans.

Ongoing engagement and partnership with people with disability and their representatives will inform and drive approaches to implementation. This will occur through existing mechanisms such as:

  • Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council and state and territory equivalent councils
  • Disability Representative Organisations forums
  • Issue-specific collaboration and engagement.

Our approach will ensure reform implementation is shaped by the diverse experience, knowledge, skills and contributions of people with disability across Australia.

To ensure accountability for tracking the progress of recommendations, all governments have agreed to biannual reporting to the Disability Reform Ministerial Council, and the community, on the implementation of recommendations.

Progress Updates

The Australian Government released a Progress Update on its consideration of the Disability Royal Commission final report on 13 March 2024.

The Progress Update provided an overview of what processes and consultations the government was undertaking to inform its response to the Disability Royal Commission.

It also outlined some of the key work already underway to build a safer and more inclusive Australia for people with disability.

A summary of the Progress Update is available in Easy Read, Auslan, Braille and large print.

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