Consultation and Engagement to inform the Australian Government Response

The Australian Government, at ministerial level and through the Commonwealth Disability Royal Commission Taskforce (Taskforce), consulted and engaged with people with disability, their families, carers, representative organisations, service providers, unions, and the broader community to inform decision-making on reform in response to the Disability Royal Commission’s Final Report and recommendations.

Who we consulted

Everybody was invited to have their say and put forward their views relating to the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission. This included:

  • people with disability, their families, and carers,
  • advocates and representative organisations,
  • disability support providers, unions, and workers, and
  • peak bodies, academics, and other organisations.

The Australian Government also acknowledges the Disability Representative Organisations, peak bodies and other organisations that conducted significant independent engagement and consultation within their own membership networks and represented their views to the Taskforce. These efforts have enabled us to have a wider reach into the community, to hear more voices and to better understand what is important to them.

Public Consultation Report

Public consultation was undertaken between 28 November and 19 January to understand stakeholders’ responses and views on the Disability Royal Commission recommendations. All responses have been analysed and consolidated into a summary report. An Easy Read version is also available.

Read the Public Consultation Report, an Easy Read version is also available.

Consultation on Disability Royal Commission Response

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