About the reforms 

Reforms to disability policy will address the findings in 2 significant reports: 

People with disability will be at the centre of the disability reforms. This means the Australian Government will consider the views people with disability have about what changes are needed and how they should be implemented when planning the reforms and putting them into place. 

Disability reforms require a national effort, with input from all Australian Government departments, state and territory governments, and engagement with the disability sector and community. 

The Australian Government is committed to working collaboratively with states and territories and the disability community to progress the required reform. 

Achieving a more inclusive Australia will take a coordinated effort from everyone. This includes creating more opportunities for people with disability and without disability to live, work and play together. 

Disability Reform Roadmap 

All governments are committed to working with people with disability to make Australia more inclusive, accessible and safe for people with disability. Together, we will do this through progressing key disability reforms. 

All governments have developed a Disability Reform Roadmap. It outlines the shared goals, foundations, and key actions all governments will take in 2024 and 2025 to build the foundations and deliver on commitments for the disability reform agenda, including some changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 

The roadmap also outlines key milestones for: 

  • all governments progressing critical National Cabinet commitments from December 2023, including legislative and other changes to the NDIS to improve the experience of participants 
  • all governments progressing commitments to ensure the sustainability of the NDIS and to the design of initial Foundational Supports 
  • further work in response to the Disability Royal Commission 
  • all governments working to deliver a response to the Independent Review of the NDIS 
  • further progressing work to support Australia’s Disability Strategy. 

All governments are committed to ongoing engagement with a diverse range of people with disability, their families, and carers. The roadmap details what this engagement will look like and highlights our commitment to meaningful stakeholder engagement to inform disability reforms. 

This roadmap is one of many ways we will communicate with disability stakeholders and will be updated regularly as decisions are made by Disability Ministers to ensure the community is informed. 

Disability employment reforms 

As part of the 2024-25 Budget(Opens external website), the Australian Government announced a new specialist disability employment program will commence from 1 July 2025 helping more people with disability, injury and/or health condition to prepare for, find and maintain sustainable employment. It will replace the current Disability Employment Services program. 

Learn more about the Disability Employment Services reform program

Disability Royal Commission 

The Disability Royal Commission looked at what needs to change to prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability, and how to achieve a safe, inclusive and accessible society. The final report includes 12 volumes and 222 recommendations. 

The Australian Government released its response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) on 31 July 2024. 

The response outlines the Australian Government’s commitment to working in partnership with the disability community to implement reforms to make Australia more inclusive, accessible and safe for people with disability. 

The Government consulted with people with disability, families, carers, the disability sector and other stakeholders to inform its response. 

Learn more about how we are responding to the Disability Royal Commission

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Find information related to disability policy reforms.

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