Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee

The Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee provides advice to government on economic inclusion and tackling disadvantage.


In November 2022, the Australian Government announced the establishment of the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee. The committee’s role is to provide independent advice to government before every federal Budget on economic inclusion and tackling disadvantage. 

On 8 December 2023, the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee Act 2023 (Opens external website)(Cth) received Royal Assent, permanently establishing a role for the committee. 

Purpose and role

At least 2 weeks before every federal Budget, the committee will provide advice on economic inclusion, including: 

  • policy settings, systems and structures 
  • the adequacy, effectiveness and sustainability of income support payments

The committee will also:

  • consider options to reduce barriers to work, including social security and employment services 
  • explore options to reduce barriers to economic inclusion for the long-term unemployed and disadvantaged, including local place-based approaches

In providing its advice, the committee will have regard to:

  • the government’s fiscal strategy 
  • existing government policies 
  • the long-term sustainability of the social security system


The committee’s membership includes the nation’s leading economists, academics, philanthropists and community advocates.  


The Hon Jenny Macklin AC  


Professor Jeff Borland (The University of Melbourne) 

Professor Bob Breunig (Australian National University) 

Ms Emily Carter AM (Chief Executive Officer of Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre) 

Professor Kay Cook (Swinburne University of Technology) 

Mr Matthew Cox (The Bryan Foundation) 

Dr Cassandra Goldie AO (Australian Council of Social Service) 

Dr Angela Jackson (Impact Economics and Policy) 

Dr Travers McLeod (Brotherhood of St. Laurence) 

Ms Sally McManus (Australian Council of Trade Unions) 

Associate Professor Ben Phillips (Australian National University) 

Ms Leah van Poppel (Chair of Victorian NDIS Community Advisory and a member of the NDIS Independent Advisory Council) 

Professor Peter Whiteford (Australian National University) 

Ex-officio members

Mr Michael Lye (Secretary of the Department of Social Services) 

Dr Steven Kennedy PSM (Secretary of the Department of the Treasury) 


Report for the 2025–26 Budget released on 11 March 2025

Report for the 2024–25 Budget released on 26 April 2024 

Report for the 2023–24 Budget released on 18 April 2023 

Consultation and research for the 2025–26 Budget report

In preparing its report for the 2025–26 Budget, the committee is holding consultations and commissioning research. Find out more about the consultation and research to support the report for the 2025–26 Budget(Opens external website). 

For any questions or enquiries, email the committee secretariat 

Supporting economic inclusion

The Australian Government has released a progress update of measures to support economic inclusion. It outlines the work the government is doing to support low-income households and vulnerable families. Read Supporting Economic Inclusion.


Find updates relating to the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee.

Consultation and research for the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee report for 2025–26 Budget

In preparing its report for the 2025–26 Budget, the committee is holding consultations and commissioning research.
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