Our Freedom of Information disclosure log
About the disclosure log
The Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log below sets out the documents released in response to prior FOI requests made to our department.
You can request any of the documents described below by sending an email to FOI@dss.gov.au. Make sure you include the reference number so we can help you.
Documents related to housing conditions in remote Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory from 2005 to 2007
Letters of appointment for current and former NDIS CEO and current board members.
Communications relating to the processing of FOI request FOI LEX 47371 (NDIS modelling costs), being the four (4) courtesy consultation emails and attachments and responses.
Documents relating to the policy to cease issuing Letter in Lieu of Letter of No Objection.
De-identified data relating to staff relocation assistance for the period November 2022 – November 2023.
Documents that have informed ministerial decisions regarding setting deeming rates for the period July 2007 to March 2015.
Media strategy issued re Robodebt Royal Commission Recommendations.
Emails, briefs, training module documents and other communications in relation to the Robodebt Royal Commission or the government response for the period 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023.
Briefing documents prepared for Minister Rishworth in relation to income apportionment.
Documents relating to the Department's role, responsibility and accountability in the NDIS and the NDIS Act 2013.
Reference 2.2.4 of the Child Support Guide as at 9 August 2023.
Ministerial briefs & documents for Women and Women's Safety Ministerial Council 1 March 2024.
Contracts between the Commonwealth and both Medibank Health Solutions and Telstra Health for the provision of the 1800 RESPECT service and the final brief to the delegate approving the engagement of Telstra Health.
Information access templates used by the Department's FOI and Privacy Impact Assessment teams.
Request for Quote and successful tenderer details in relation to the Care Sector Demand Map (DM-19894).
Departmental communications related to the program to deliver 500 community workers (restricted to the period 6am 6 March 2024 to 9am 11 March 2024).
Documents related to Youth Allowance and Austudy accredited educational institutions, approved courses and debts raised against recipients
Briefs and materials provided for the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence national roundtable on 7 May 2024
Index page of briefing packs for all 2023/24 Estimates hearings (including budget, supplementary and additional)
Documents related to Grant GA315391 to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Association.