Foundational Supports consultations close 5 December

26 November 2024Have your say on Foundational Supports

This phase of consultations on Foundational Supports are closing soon.

Foundational Supports will provide additional supports for people with disability, and their families, kin and carers.

These supports will be additional to mainstream services and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Share your feedback

By providing feedback, you can help shape what Foundational Supports will look like and how they will work. You can provide your feedback until 5 December.

To share your feedback on Foundational Supports for children under 9 with developmental delay and/or disability and their families, you can complete the Supports for Children Questionnaire.

To share your feedback on General Supports, you can complete the General Supports Questionnaire or add to the ideas wall.

Foundational Supports webinar

A webinar will be held on Friday 29 November to let people know what we’ve heard in consultations so far. The webinar is also an opportunity for you to provide your feedback on the design of Foundational Supports.

Register for the event

Find out more

For more information on Foundational Supports, visit:

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