Departmental FOI Disclosure Log

Under Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the department is required to publish a disclosure log on the department’s website. The disclosure log contains information which has been released in response to an FOI request.

FOI documentation can be provided by emailing and quoting the relevant reference.

Information in our disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months.

Learn more about how to make an FOI request.

See accessibility for information about downloading and viewing PDF files. Contact for an alternative format of any of these documents.

FOI Reference No. Date of access FOI Request Documents

(Primary decision)

(Internal review decision)

a) An up-to-date copy of the ‘NRAS Investigations Referrals and Scam Register’ (referred to at footnote 14, p24 of the Australian National Audit Office’s Report No, 23 2016-17) and
b) documents regarding the 32 referrals from DSS’s NRAS Branch to its Investigations Branch (referred to at paragraph 2.24, p24 of the Australian National Audit Office’s report No. 23 2016-17).

  1. No. of paid parental leave (PPL) recipients by income range;
  2. Estimated no. of PPL recipients who will no longer be eligible for PPL as result of Government’s proposed changes to PPL and their median income;
  3. Estimated no. of PPL recipients who will lose part of their PPL entitlements as result of proposed changes and their median income; and
  4. Estimated no. of PPL recipients who will be unaffected by proposed changes to PPL.

a) Reports after 1 Jan 2016 about groups of people, including international students, homeless people and low-income earners, who access NRAS; and

b) Communications  after 1 Jan 2016 to the federal government about groups of people who access NRAS


The first Report on the 6-month Review of the Cashless Welfare Card Trial submitted by the Department to the Minister's office, excluding information relating to the WA component of the trial.


Most recent figures detailing no. of welfare recipients of income support and benefits by payment type and country of birth.


Documents regarding recruitment and review process for APS 6 State Programme Management, Support and Advice: Service Delivery positions.


PwC and Kruk Reports - Consolidated documents - Redacted.


The Australian Government’s annual and monthly expenditure on the unemployment benefit and the number of unemployment benefit recipients for the past four financial years.


The number of payment summaries for the 2015-16 financial year issued to staff after 14 July 2016 and why these payment summaries, issued after 14 July 2016, were not issued on or before 14 July 2016.


Current incoming government briefing documents.


Please provide a copy of the contract [with Autism CRC] showing precisely what the contractor is to deliver.

Please also provide documents (if any) showing all changes to tender or the subsequent contract relating to the research that was/is contracted.
