Tips and checklist
Below are some suggestions to keep in mind while working through and documenting your Action Research:
- Make your observations and use them as the rationale for your exploration.
- Develop a clear question.
- Keep your question clearly in mind as you work through your Action Research cycle/s.
- Document the extent to which additional sources of information were involved such as literature or other Reconnect services.
- Keep a clear awareness of which phase of the cycle you are in.
- Ensure the points you are recording fit within the phase you are currently in.
- Keep a clear and logical relationship between each phase of Action Research.
- Document how stakeholders are involved in each phase of the Action Research cycles.
- The action can vary from the plan to ensure a responsive approach and if this is the case, document whether it still relates to the original issue or if a more appropriate question has emerged.
- Tie the end point of the cycle back to the question asked.
- At the end of a cycle, be clear about the lessons learnt through the process, what should be retained and what might be done differently.
- Provide enough detail in your Action Research reports so that the above points are clear to your readers.
Further reading
The main reference for Action Research in Reconnect and NAYSS is the ‘Reconnect Action Research Kit’ written by Phil Crane and Leanne Richardson (Oct, 2000).
Other references that may be of interest:
Hunter, Faorligh and Francis, Steve, (2006) A Guide to Undertaking Action Research in the Newly Arrived Youth Support Service (NAYSS). Melbourne, Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues
Quixley, Suzi (2008) Participatory Action Research: An Outline of the Concept
Wadsworth, Yoland (1984) Do It Yourself Social Research, Victorian Council of Social Service and Melbourne Family Care Organisation, Melbourne
Reconnect Program Guidelines 2007-08
Websites you may find useful in a new tab/window)
This website contains resources and papers from well-known Action Researchers detailing their experiences. in a new tab/window)
This website contains an example of a Queensland Action Research process about ‘Boys, Gender and Schooling’. in a new tab/window)
This website contains many different sources and references as well as links to articles from 1980s – 2000.