6 Complaints
6.1 Service Provider
The service provider can contact the complaints service with complaints about FaHCSIA’s service(s) or the service of another FaHCSIA funded service provider.
Details of what constitutes an eligible complaint can be provided upon request by FaHCSIA. The service provider can lodge a complaint through the following channels:
Telephone: 1800 634 035
Fax: (02) 6204 4587
FaHCSIA Complaints
PO Box 7576
Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610
If a provider is at any time dissatisfied with the Department’s handling of a complaint, they can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman(Opens in a new tab/window)(Opens in a new tab/window) at www.ombudsman.gov.au(Opens in a new tab/window)(Opens in a new tab/window) or 1300 362 072.
6.2 Client/Customer
It is a requirement of your funding agreement to have a transparent and accessible complaints handling policy. This policy should acknowledge the complainant’s right to complain directly to you, outline the process for both dealing with the complaint and provide options for escalation both within your organisation and to the Department if necessary. Ensure that you provide information about your complaints handling policy and processes in all correspondence to guarantee it is readily available to the public.