1 Information about the Application Process
1.1 Application Process
This section explains how applications are managed for community programs funded by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Service and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).
An application is the submission of a completed application form and provision of any other requested information as stated in the application form. Organisations must prepare applications in accordance with this document, the Application Information and the application form.
Applications can only be submitted during the application round for the Program and for the locations or sites as defined in the application form.
Your application is not an agreement or contract. Meeting the selection criteria does not guarantee funding. Funding is limited and applications will be assessed and prioritised according to the extent to which they meet the selection criteria. Only applications meeting the selection criteria to a high degree are likely to be considered for funding. All information requested on the application must be provided to enable your application to be fully considered.
1.2 Type of Selection process
The selection process will be either an open, restricted, direct, renew or expression of interest at the discretion of FaHCSIA.
Open Selection
Open Competitive selection processes are open to all providers operating in the market place. Open processes are widely advertised through the media, the FAHCSIA Internet site and other sources in order to attract as much interest as possible.
Restricted Selection
A restricted selection process is used where there are few providers available due to highly specialised services being required, there are geographical considerations, specific expertise is required or there are time constraints.
Direct Selection
A direct selection process is where an approach is made directly to an existing, high performing provider to expand their current service delivery activities or deliver new services. It involves assessment of provider’s current performance and an assessment of a provider’s capacity to deliver an expanded service or capability to deliver a new service through use of selection criteria.
A renew process is where we are creating a new funding agreement to continue the same service delivery activities to the same customers with existing service providers. Assessment of suitability is done internally and is based on past performance in delivering the service to the target group.
Expression of Interest
An Expression of Interest process aims to identify eligible providers who are then invited to submit a more detailed application. It is an open invitation for potential providers to register their interest to deliver the service on FaHCSIA’s behalf.
Part C of the Program Guideline Suite will advise the type of selection process.
1.3 Applicant’s Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their application is complete and accurate. Giving false or misleading information to the Department is a serious offence. Applicants or their partners who do so may be prosecuted under section 137.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995.
Make sure you keep a copy of your application and any supporting papers, either electronically or in hard copy, for your own records.
Only one application per organisation/region will be assessed. If more than one application is submitted, only the latest application will be considered.
1.4 What needs to be included?
FaHCSIA will not assess applications that do not contain all required attachments outlined in the application form.
1.5 Conflicts of Interest
Applicants must identify, in their application, any potential or actual conflicts of interest they believe will or may arise from submitting the application. This should address their responsibilities to the Australian Government and other parties in the course the activity.
A conflict of interest can arise when an applicant’s integrity, objectivity or fairness in performing the services is at risk due to a pecuniary interest of a person or organisation associated with the applicant or a conflicting business arrangement.
Applicants must specify in their applications how any actual or perceived conflict of interest will be addressed and monitored to ensure it does not compromise the outcomes desired for this funding process.
FaHCSIA reserves the right to assess the potential impact of the conflict or perceived conflict and what plans, if any, are proposed to address the conflict of interest in relation to the application for funding.
FaHCSIA may reject an application if FaHCSIA is not satisfied that there are arrangements in place to appropriately address/manage a perceived or actual conflict of interest.
1.6 What should not be included?
Any attachments to the application form which are not specifically requested in the application form will not be considered as part of the assessment process.
1.7 What happens if you provide more than the specified number of words?
The application form specifies a word limit for each selection criteria. Text beyond the word limits will not be considered as a part of the assessment process.
1.8 Closing date and time
Part C of the Program Guideline Suite and the Application form will advise the closing date and time.
The application must be received by FAHCSIA within the application period to be considered.
1.9 Late Applications
FaHCSIA may reject any application lodged after the closing date. If an application is late, FaHCSIA may determine that there were exceptional circumstances beyond the applicant’s control that meant the deadline could not be met. The applicant will need to supply documentary evidence to support any exceptional circumstances. FaHCSIA has no obligation to accept a late application. Any decision by FaHCSIA to accept or not accept a late application will be final.
1.10 Checks of Applicants
As a part of the Selection Process, the Department may undertake further checks of applicants. The Department may also conduct checks for non-disclosure of any relevant information.
In addition, any debts that the applicant has accrued to the Department or other Australian Government agencies may be taken into account when making a decision to offer funding.
The Department reserves the right to use information from:
- the Department’s databases,
- other Australian Government agencies, such as the Australian Taxation Office and Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
- state or territory agencies,
- law enforcement agencies,
- credit reference agencies,
- courts or tribunals, or
- any other appropriate organisation or person reasonably required as part of these checks.
Information obtained from checks on applicants described in this section, may be taken into account during the assessment of applications or in making the final decision to offer funding.