5. Questions for consultation

The questions below are presented as a guide, and respondents should feel free to make additional comments or observations.

1Are the key areas of well-being for children and young people identified the right ones to focus on?

If not, what additional areas should be taken into account? Why?
2What drivers of children's outcomes can be influenced by Out of Home Care - what are the top 10 factors to focus on?

What particular issues must the standards address, and why?
3What is the best practice benchmark for each aspect of care where National Standards should be set?
4To whom should the National Standards apply (carers, community organisations, government)? Why?

Should there be different expectations in relation to the National Standards for Out of Home Care services depending on the form of Out of Home Care support provided? If so, how do you see such a system working?
5How should the National Standards for Out of Home Care be monitored and measured?
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DSS2930 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2930