
  1. Bromfield, L., & Osborn, A. (2007), 'Getting the big picture': A Synopsis and Critique of Australian Out-Of-Home Care Research, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne, - accessed December 2009.
  2. Information from research and national consultations with young people, families, carers, representatives from non-government organisations and government agencies and departments
  3. The Allen Consulting Group Pty Ltd (2008), Inverting the Pyramid: Enhancing Systems for Protecting Children, Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, n.p., p. 4.
  4. Commonwealth of Australia (Council of Australian Governments) (2009), Protecting Children Is Everyone's Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009-2012, - accessed November 2009.
  5. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 38.
  6. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 38.
  7. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 38.
  8. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 42.
  9. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 46.
  10. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 46.
  11. In 2000, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were 6.1 times as likely to be in Out of Home care as non Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (18.3 in every 1,000 compared with 3 in every 1,000 nationally).
  12. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, pp. 21-2.
  13. Secretariat of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (2005), Achieving Stable and Culturally Strong Out-of-home Care Policy Paper.
  14. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2010), Child Protection Australia 2008-09, Child Welfare Series No. 47, Cat. No. CWS 35, Canberra: AIHW, p. 67.
  15. Bromfield and Holzer (2008), A National Approach for Child Protection: Project Report, AIFS Child Protection Clearing House, p. 25, accessed November 2009.
  16. Convention on the Rights of the Child - accessed April 2010
  17. World Health Organisation, accessed November 2009.
  18. Mental health: a state of well-being, accessed November 2009.
  19. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2009), A Picture of Australia's Children 2009, Cat. No. PHE 112. Canberra: AIHW, is an example of such a report.
  20. Victorian Government Department of Human Services (2006), The State of Victoria's Children Report 2006.
  21. New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People (2005), A National Consultation with Children and Young People on the Australian National Plan of Action for a World Fit for Children, NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Surry Hills, NSW.
  22. Mission Australia (2008), National Survey of Young Australians 2008: Key and Emerging Issues, Mission Australia, Sydney.
  23. McDowall, J (2009), CREATE Report Card 2009: Transitioning from Care: Tracking Progress, Sydney: CREATE Foundation.
  24. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Ireland (2008), State of the Nation's Children, Department of Health and Children, Dublin.
  25. The Children's Society, UK (2006), The Good Childhood Inquiry: What Children Told Us, The Children's Society, United Kingdom.
  26. Mayor of London (2004), The State of London's Children Report, Greater London Authority, London.
  27. Annual reports (e.g. Child Protection Australia) published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare enable comparisons over time.
  28. Bromfield, L., & Osborn, A. (2007), 'Getting the big picture': A Synopsis and Critique of Australian Out-Of-Home Care Research, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne, accessed December 2009.
  29. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), 2009, Child Protection Australia 2007-08, Child welfare series no.45 Cat. No. CWS 33. Canberra: AIHW, p. 52.
  30. Victorian Ombudsman (2009), Own Motion Investigation into the Department of Human Services Child Protection Program, Victorian Ombudsman, Melbourne, p. 61.
  31. Victorian Ombudsman (2009), Own Motion Investigation into the Department of Human Services Child Protection Program, Victorian Ombudsman, Melbourne, p. 61.
  32. Stein, M (2006), 'Research Review: Young People Leaving Care', Child and Family Social Work 2006, 11, 3, 273-9.
  33. Cited in Jackson, S & Sachdev, D (2001), Better Education, Better Futures: Research, Practice and the Views of Young People in Public Care, London: Barnardo's.
  34. Harvey, J & Testro, P, (2006), CREATE Education Report Card, p. 10 , Sydney, CREATE Foundation.
  35. Harvey, J & Testro, P, (2006), CREATE Education Report Card, p. 10 , Sydney, CREATE Foundation.
  36. McDowall, J, (2009), CREATE Report Card 2009. Transitioning from Care: Tracking Progress, Sydney: CREATE Foundation.
  37. Harvey, J & Testro, P, (2006), CREATE Health Report Card, Sydney, CREATE Foundation.
  38. N Milburn, Royal Children's Hospital Mental Health Service (2005), Protected and Respected: Addressing the Needs of the Child in Out of Home Care: The Stargate Early Intervention Program for Children and Young People in Out of Home Care, Royal Children's Hospital Mental Health Service.
  39. Happer, H, McCreadie, J & Aldgate, J (2006), Celebrating success: What helps looked-after children succeed, Edinburgh: Social Work Inspection Agency.
  40. Cashmore, JA, & Paxman, M (2006), 'Predicting after-care outcomes: The importance of 'felt' security', Child and Family Social Work, 11, 232-41.
  41. Gilligan, R (2000), 'Adversity, Resilience and Young People: the Protective Value of Positive School and Spare Time Experiences', Children & Society, Vol 14.
  42. Secretariat of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (2005), Achieving Stable and Culturally Strong Out of Home Care Policy Paper, p.15.
  43. Secretariat of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (2005), Achieving Stable and Culturally Strong Out of Home Care Policy Paper, p. 14.
  44. Ladd, JM and Price, JM (1987), 'Predicting children's social and school adjustment following the transition from preschool to kindergarten', Child Development, 58(5), 1168-89, Cited in Kay Margetts, Transition to School: Looking Forward, AECA National Conference, Darwin July 14-17, 1999; and Blair, 2001; Duncan et al., 2007; Reynolds and Bezruczko, 1993, Cited in The Smith Family and Australian Institute of Family Studies (2008), Home to School Transitions for Financially Disadvantaged Families, p. 2.
  45. Sawyer M, Carbone J, Searle, A and Robinson. P (2007), The mental health and well-being of children and adolescents in homebased foster care.
  46. Sawyer, M.G., Carbone, J.A ., Searle, J.A. & Robinson, P. (2007) . MJA. The mental health and wellbeing of children and adolescents in home-based foster care; Australia.
  47. This was noted in the study by Sawyer et al.
  48. O'Neill, C. & Ablser, D. (1999) in: Out-of-Home Care in Australia: Messages from Research by Leah M. Bromfield, Daryl, J. Higgins, Alexandra Osborn, Stacey Panozzo, and Nicholas Richardson, June 2005.
  49. Butcher, 2005 in: Bromfield, L. & Osborn A. (2007), ‘’Getting the big picture’: A synopsis and critique of Australian out-of-home care research’, Child Abuse Prevention Issues, No. 26.
  50. O'Neill, 999a; O'Neill & Absler, 999; Tarren-Sweeney, 2006; Tarren-Sweeney & Hazell, 2005, 2006 in: Bromfield, L. & Osborn A. (2007), ‘’Getting the big picture’: A synopsis and critique of Australian out-of-home care research’, Child Abuse Prevention Issues, No. 26.
  51. Victorian Government Department of Human Services (2006), The State of Victoria's Children Report 2006, p. 76.
  52. Cultural Safety training, accessed December 2009.
  53. New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People (2007), Ask the Children: Overview of Children's Understandings of Well-being, p. 4.
  54. Stein, M (2006), 'Research Review: Young People Leaving Care', Child and Family Social Work 2006, 11, 3, 273-9.
  55. Government of the United Kingdom(2007), Aiming High for Young People: A ten year strategy for positive activities, UK: HM Treasury , p. 7.
  56. New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People (2007), Ask the Children: Overview of Children's Understandings of Well-being, NSW , p. 15.
  57. Secretariat of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (2005), Achieving Stable and Culturally Strong Out-of-Home Care Policy Paper, SNAICC, Melbourne , p. 8.
  58. Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency - accessed December 2009.
  59. June 25, 2010NSW State Government (2003), Children and Young People from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds in Out-Of-Home Care in NSW Research Report, Department of Community Services NSW , p. 3 - originally produced by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, 2003.
  60. World Health Organization (1998), Health Promotion Glossary, WHO, Switzerland. in a new tab/window) about/HPR%20Glossary%201998.pdf, accessed November 2009.
  61. Commonwealth of Australia, Pathways to Prevention: Developmental and Early Intervention Approaches to Crime in Australia, op. cit., p. 38.
  62. World Health Organization (2005), Risk and Protective Factors, in a new tab/window) eng.pdf, accessed November 2009.
  63. Mission Australia (2008), National Survey of Young Australians 2008: Key and Emerging Issues, p. 9.
  64. SNAICC information provided to the Project Team.
  65. NT Children’s Commissioner Submission.
  66. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Ireland, p. 42.
  67. Mission Australia (2008), National Survey of Young Australians 2008: Key and Emerging Issues, p. 15.
  68. New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People (2007), Ask the Children: Overview of Children's Understandings of Well-being, p. 14.
  69. For example, Commonwealth of Australia (1999), Pathways to Prevention: Developmental and Early Intervention Approaches to Crime in Australia, April 1999, p. 72.
  70. Secretariat of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (2005), Achieving Stable and Culturally Strong Out of Home Care Policy Paper, p.15.
  71. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2009), A Picture of Australia's Children 2009, Cat. No. PHE 112, Canberra: AIHW, p. 48.
  72. Delfabbro, P. H., Barber, J. G. & Bentham, Y. (2002a) in: Out-of-Home Care in Australia: Messages from Research by Leah M. Bromfield, Daryl, J. Higgins, Alexandra Osborn, Stacey Panozzo, and Nicholas Richardson, June 2005.
  73. O’Brien, A (1997) in: Tomison, A M; Stanley, J (2001). Strategic Directions in Child Protection: Informing Policy and Practice. Unpublished report for the South Australian Department of Human Services Brief No. 7 Alternative care: Placement decision making.
  74. McBride, R.2007. Keeping Siblings Connected: A White Paper on Siblings in Foster Care and Adoptive Placements in New York State. New York State Office of Children and Family Services.
  75. O'Neill (2004) in: Osborn, A. & Bromfield, L. (2007), Participation of children and young people in care in decisions affecting their lives, Research Brief No. 6, National Child Protection Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
  76. Stein (2006), op cit.
  77. Please note there was a low representation of Indigenous stakeholders during the consultations.
  78. Note these examples were provided during consultations and no verification has been made on these issues.
  79. Note that no verification has been made on this issue.
  80. Mendes, Philip (2009) 'Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care: A Critical Analysis of Australian and International Policy and Practice', Australian Social Work, 62: 3, 388-402.
  81. Noting the divergent views regarding formal and informal care arrangements.
  82. National Standards for Out of Home Care
  83. Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (2007). The quality of fostering and adoption services in Scotland [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 10/10/08
  84. Refer to Council on Accreditation Standards
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