Blueprint Expert Reference Group Meeting Communiqué Tuesday 11 June 2024

The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) met on 11 June 2024 to further refine the draft Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint (NFP Blueprint).

One key development in this draft is the grouping of actions previously agreed to ensure highly interrelated actions were linked and interdependencies between actions were made clearer. Grouping the actions in this way provided a clearer picture of how actions could be sequenced during the implementation phase and allowed us to better demonstrate their compounding effects. A timeline for implementation has also been agreed. 

The next round of consultations is progressing this month and into July. These consultations are targeted — primarily seeking feedback from individuals who have not previously been engaged in the NFP Blueprint development process. This is because we understand from consultations to date that the questions being addressed in the NFP Blueprint have been asked and answered many times by the NFP sector and that the issues raised have already been subjected to rigorous analysis by government and independent agencies through multiple inquiries over many years.

Over this period, the BERG and its Expert Advisors will also be speaking to subject matter experts, including the Engagement Allies, to finalise the details of the recommendations and ensure that the recommended actions are feasible and viable, providing a clear and convincing plan for government and not-for-profit sector reform in the short term and over the next ten years.

For further information on the Blueprint, please contact the Blueprint Expert Reference Group Secretariat by email at

The next Blueprint Expert Reference Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 2 July 2024.

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