
Appendix A - Examples of innovative accommodation services and projects

Eighteen (15%) submissions made reference to particular accommodation services, models or projects. In many instances limited detail was provided; but this appendix collates the names of the services or projects mentioned, and where possible their location, to enable further investigation.

This table details the names of the services or projects mentioned in the report, and where possible their location, to enable further investigation.

Association for Children

with a Disability


Ten Point Plan to provide accommodation support including:

increasing government spending; families pay annual fee for maximum 10 years;

accommodation rebate to families; Commonwealth subsidy to each service

( like Aged Care); resident contribution of 85% of DSP; and a birth levy.

Campbelltown Uniting Care Hurley HouseNSW

Parent and church-funded house for 5 intellectually disabled people;

support funding from NSW government.

HomeShare model - Benevolent Society

and Wesley mission


Links older people with younger people to provide assistance and

company (vigorous interviewing and reference checks). Could be adapted to disability.

Shared Living Program - Hornsby ChallengeNSW 
Endeavour FoundationQueensland

Proposal with Brisbane Housing Company providing housing and

Endeavour Foundation providing support; seeking funding from DSQ.

Homes WestQueensland

A Family-centred collective with a paid coordinator where care and support arrangements

are shared between paid support and families and friends of people.

Each individual has some funding and 10 people are supported in a home of their own.

Young Care Village at SinnamonQueensland 

Affordable Housing Innovations Unit,

Department of Families and Communities

South AustraliaPotential for reverse mortgages to help finance trusts (?)
Community Accommodation and Respite Agency (CARA)South AustraliaShared-care service, transition model with some time spent at home each week.
Community Living ProjectSouth Australia 
Haven FoundationVictoriaTo provide housing and assistance for people with mental illness.
Jeshimon House - CamberwellVictoria

Several units on one property; each owned by person with mental illness with

a communal facility and carer support.

Mental Illness Fellowship - RipponleaVictoriaBlock of 9 flats, each unit purchased by person with mental illness.
Mixed Equity ProgramVictoriaGovernment funding for home purchase by person with a disability (?)

Provides long term accommodation for young adults with mild intellectual disability;

family or individual purchase property; support funding from Vic government

and fundraising.

HOPES Cooperative Living ConceptTasmania

Proposal for small cluster of independent units surrounding a common house;

sharing support hours and funds; volunteer and peer group support;

cooperative "ownership" of common house; people with acquired

brain injury or cognitive impairment.

Alternate Family Care,

Perth Home Care Services

Western Australia

Person with a disability lives in the home of an alternate family.

The alternative family carer receives a carer reimbursement for care &

support provided and respite is provided monthly and annually.

Hawkevale TrustWestern Australia

Volunteer visitation service to see person with a disability is well looked after;

advocacy role; fee for service.

Innovative Accommodation GrantsWestern Australia

Up to $200 000 non-recurrent, to develop service models and strategies not

reliant on recurrent State funding.

Subiaco and Western Suburbs

- Independent Housing Group (SWSIHG)

Western Australia

Eight two-bedroom units for people with intellectual disability;

with plans for six two-bedroom units with a four bed-sit cluster and communal facility.

Support Accommodation Support Group

(SARG) (sic)

Western Australia

Proposal for Activ Foundation to provide carers for 10 young people with

disabilities and Foundation Housing Limited provide the property;

group submission for funding.

Cromehurst Foundation's proposal

for an "intentional community"

L'Arche community(link is external)(Opens in a new tab/window) 

People with a disability and a support team live and work alongside each other -

a community of mutuality and life-sharing.

Rougemount Intentional CommunityCanada 


Appendix B - Examples of planning services, projects and tools

Thirteen (11%) submissions made reference to particular planning tools or to service models and projects which provide future planning support for families and carers of a person with disability. In many instances limited detail was provided; but this appendix collates the names of the services, projects or tools mentioned, and where possible their location, to enable further investigation.

This table details planning tools, service models and projects which provide future planning support for families and carers of a person with disability which were provided in the submissions.
Pathways ProgramACTHelps with planning.
Stepping Stones for LifeACTSupports planning, identifies options.
LifewaysQueenslandHelps develop individual plans and networks; helps maintain networks; provides seminars and information.
Parent 2 ParentQueenslandEmpowers parents to actively participate in the planning process.
Pave the Way - Mamre AssociationQueenslandProvides workshops and information, helps develop plans; helps establish networks.
Positive Futures ProgramQueenslandStrengths-based, family facilitator provides information and guides planning process.
Planning for RetirementSouth AustraliaACROD-sponsored report written by David Albrecht to be launched in February 2007.
Caring into the FutureWestern Australia (?) 
Families for A Good Life Futures Planning for People with DisabilitiesWestern Australia (?) 
Geraldton Lifetime Advocacy Development GroupWestern Australia (?) 
Peel Advocacy Lifetime NetworkWestern Australia (?) 
Planned Individual Networks (PIN)Western AustraliaProvides orientation sessions, planning seminars, planning workshops; helps develop individual plans; provides family to family support; helps establish networks.
Time Off and Planning (TOP), Perth Home Care ServicesWestern AustraliaHelps with a range of flexible services to enable carers to have time off and plan for the future.
Planned Lifetime Assistance NetworkUSAMental health focus.
Personal Advocacy and Lifetime ServicesBoston USA 
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN)CanadaDevelops a personal plan; develops a personal network; provides advice about service models; monitors quality of services; advice re guardianship and home ownership; and advocates for law and policy reform.
Permanency PlanningTexas USAFocus on financial planning (?)
Person Centred Planning tools (eg Helen Sanderson's) Tells the life story of the person, includes information about likes and dislikes and what support different people provide.
Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) A visual, person-centred planning tool which uses simple drawings and words to represent goals and the 8 steps leading to them. The PATH is flexible and changes often.


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