
We will work with disability stakeholders to design and implement reforms through:

  • Prioritisng the voice of people with disability, consultation and co-design.
  • System integration.
  • Accountability and authority.
  • Evidence and best practice.

What will our engagement look like?

  • We will work with disability stakeholders to design and implement reforms through engaging with a diverse range of people with disability, their families and carers. There will be a range of different types of engagement activities – aimed to reach people with disability across Australia. Engagement forums will include webinars, workshops, design sessions and community catch-up events.
  • The Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS), National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), and State and Territory governments are committed to working together to ensure meaningful stakeholder engagement informs disability reforms.
  • Engagement with the disability community through key policy for NDIS Rules will continue throughout 2024 and 2025. This engagement will include discussion papers on DSS Engage, face-to-face workshops and roundtables, as well as online engagement. To be kept up to date on other future engagement sessions, subscribe to updates on the DSS NDIS reforms website.
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