2. Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference provide that the Taskforce, supported by the Reference Group, will:

  1. Provide advice around the short-term recommendations of the Committee along the lines of those set out in the Report (Recommendation 25) that relate to:
  • increasing the minimum child support liability;
  • lowering the ‘cap’ on the assessed income of parents;
  • changing the link between the child support payments and the time children spend with each parent; and
  • the treatment of any overtime income and income from a second job.
  1. Evaluate the existing formula percentages and associated exempt and disregarded incomes, having regard to the findings of the Report and the available or commissioned research including:
  • data on the costs of children in separated households at different income levels, including the costs for both parents to maintain significant and meaningful contact with their children;
  • the costs for both parents of re-establishing homes for their children and themselves after separation; and
  • advise on what research program is necessary to provide an ongoing basis for monitoring the child support formula.
  1. Consider how the Child Support Scheme can play a role in encouraging couples to reach agreement about parenting arrangements.
  2. Consider how Family Relationship Centres may contribute to the understanding of and compliance with the Child Support Scheme.
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DSS2838 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2838