Getting the NDIS back on track
2024–25 May Budget
The Australian Government is providing a further $468.7 million over five years to support people with disability and get the NDIS back on track through key measures announced as part of the 2024–25 Budget. This includes $268.1 million to better protect NDIS participants and prevent fraud and $200.6 million to design and consult on key recommendations of the Independent NDIS Review.
This year’s Budget will drive the implementation of key recommendations from the Independent NDIS Review, including reforms to Scheme transparency, pricing, and service delivery, as we transition towards a disability support system capable of supporting all Australians with disability, now and into the future.
Data and Regulatory Transformation (DART) Program
$160.7 million over four years to transform the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission’s ability to protect people with disability from abuse, violence and neglect, and to detect and prevent fraud.
Ensuring the NDIS Commission has the critical technology systems required to gather intelligence and collect and analyse data to better protect NDIS participants, reduce regulatory burden and improve cyber security.
The new system will benefit NDIS participants, service providers and workers.
NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee
$45.5 million over four years from 2024–25 to establish a NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee to provide independent and transparent advice to Government on what works for participants.
The Committee will commence operations by 1 July 2025.
The Committee will provide advice around the appropriateness of disability supports accessed through the NDIS, improving outcomes, and ensuring better value-for-money for participants.
Reforms to better connect people with disability to services
$20 million over two years to begin breaking down barriers people with disability, their families and their carers face when attempting to find and access vital supports and services within the current disability ecosystem.
Strengthened governance and advisory arrangements to support the implementation of NDIS reforms
NDIS Implementation Advisory Committee will oversee and advise on the initial period of implementation, comprising of representatives from the disability sector, government and other experts with relevant experience.
NDIS Review Implementation Working Group will coordinate and collaborate on NDIS reforms across all Australian Governments and will draw in other relevant service delivery agencies as required.
NDIS Pricing Reform
$5.3 million in 2024-25 to undertake preliminary work on NDIS pricing function reforms to strengthen transparency, predictability, and alignment.
The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority will work closely with DSS and the NDIA to undertake this initial work, including reviewing existing pricing approaches and developing a pricing data strategy.
Also included in the 2024-25 Budget:
$129.8 million over two years from 2023–24 for design and consultation work to respond to the findings of the Independent NDIS Review, announced on 30 January 2024.
$83.9 million over two years to boost fraud detecting information technology systems at the NDIA, announced on 18 February 2024.
For more information about these measures and other Department of Social Services’ Budget measures, visit the Department of Social Services website (
For information about the 2024-25 May Budget, visit the Australian Government Budget website (