Entrenched disadvantage package

The 2023–24 Budget will deliver a $199.8 million package to target entrenched community disadvantage. This package has a strong focus on intergenerational disadvantage and improving child and family wellbeing. This investment will deliver:

Investment dialogue on Australia’s children

A new strategy to partner with philanthropy through the Investment Dialogue on Australia’s Children— enabling the government to coordinate efforts and direct funding where it’s needed most. This builds on an outcome of the Jobs and Skills Summit.

$64 million

$64 million for place-based partnerships, to extend the Stronger Places, Stronger People initiative to enable communityled change in partnership with 10 communities and state and territory governments, and to enhance shared decision-making and local solutions in 6 of these communities.

$7.8 million

$7.8 million for a whole of government Framework to Address Community Disadvantage, to identify strategic objectives and key principles to guide how Government works in partnership with communities and to support more impactful investment in initiatives that address disadvantage.

$16.4 million

$16.4 million for a Life Course Data Initiative that will capture data insights to improve our understanding of how communities experience disadvantage, including through longitudinal data. This will help guide local decision making and better direct funding.

$100 million

A new $100 million Outcomes Fund which will see the Commonwealth partner with states, territories and social enterprises to tackle disadvantage by funding projects that deliver outcomes in communities. This is the first step in our Government’s work in response to the Social Impact Investing report written by the Impact Investing Taskforce Expert Panel.

  • In addition, $11.6 million will fund a Social Enterprise Development Initiative, which will support ‘for purpose’ organisations such as social enterprises and charities to build their capability to access capital and support improved social outcomes.

Hands Up Mallee is enabling community-led change for children, young people and families in Mildura, Victoria, as a partner in the Stronger Places, Stronger People initiative. Hands Up Mallee empowers young people to codesign solutions that directly meet their needs and aspirations, and to work with government and services to put them into action. Examples include HomeBased Hoops, that benefits 60 young people each school term and the Summer Red Cliffs youth designed events, that benefited 100s of children and families.

Place-based partnerships will see the development of co-designed solutions that address community needs and aspirations, including support for local initiatives that drive better outcomes in education and employment, child and maternal health, youth justice, and participation.

For more information about this measure and other Department of Social Services’ Budget measures, visit the Department of Social Services website(Opens external website)

For information about the 2023–24 May Budget, visit the Australian Government budget website(Opens external website)

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DSS1012 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1012