Easy Read version - About the Parents and Carers Reference Group

About this resource

This sheet is by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS).

It tells you about the Parents and Carers Reference Group (PCRG).

The sheet explains the work the group does.

This is an Easy Read summary of the full document.

You can find the full document on the DSS  website at www.dss.gov.au/PCRG.

About the PCRG

The government has started a new Parents and Carers Reference Group.

We call it PCRG for short.

Most of the PCRG members are parents and carers from around Australia.

They tell the government about what is important to them.

They have a say on how the government supports young children and their families.

The PCRG is an important tool to help the Early Years Strategy 2024 – 2034.

We call it the Strategy.

The Strategy is a plan for how the government will support young children and families.

The PCRG makes sure that the government listens to the voices of children and their families.

The PCRG started meeting in 2024.

What PCRG members will do

PCRG members meet at least 3 times a year.

Between meetings they may also

  • look at information
  • say what they think about it.

Members share their experience and knowledge.

They help us understand:

  • what children under 12 years need
  • how the government can help children and families.

This helps the government to give better support to children and families.

About the PCRG members

The PCRG has around 20 members from across Australia.

Most of the members are parents and carers.

The members have different backgrounds and experiences.

This includes:

  • people from regional or remote areas who live far from cities and towns
  • people from different cultures
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • single parents
  • foster parents
  • people with disability or who have a child with disability.

Some members are people who work with children and families.

We want to hear from lots of different people.

Members are a part of the PCRG for up to 2 years. Then they will change so new people can join.

We pay parents and carers for:

  • the time they spend in meetings
  • work they do to get ready for the meetings
  • travel to get to face-to-face meetings.

We do not pay the people who work with children and families.

For more information

If you have questions, email PCRG at PCRG@dss.gov.au(link sends e-mail)

Visit our website at


Australian Government
Department of Social Services
December 2024

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DSS2528 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2528