Additional support for single parents

The Government is investing $1.9 billion to extend eligibility for Parenting Payment (Single) to single principal carers with a youngest dependent child under 14 years (up from 8 years).

Safety net

These Budget changes will provide an additional safety net of financial support to at least 57,000 single principal carers including 52,000 women and around 5700 First Nations carers.

More assistance

There will be more financial assistance for single parents as a result of this measure while maintaining mutual obligation requirements, providing encouragement to participate in employment or other activities to improve employability. This includes access to more generous income testing arrangements provided to Parenting Payment (Single) recipients (such as a greater income free area which allows recipients to retain more of their payment as they work) to support workforce participation.

$922.10 per fortnight

These parents will receive greater support through expanded access to the current base rate of $922.10 per fortnight (until their youngest child turns 14).

$176.90 per fortnight

This measure will provide an increase to the maximum basic payment of $176.90 per fortnight to around 57,000 current JobSeeker Payment recipients who are single principal carers of a dependent child aged under 14 years.

  • They will move from the ‘with child’ JobSeeker Payment rate of $745.20 per fortnight to the Parenting Payment (Single) rate of $922.10 per fortnight.
  • They will also receive the basic Pension Supplement of $27.20 per fortnight that is available to Parenting Payment (Single) recipients.

For more information about this measure and other Department of Social Services’ Budget measures, visit the Department of Social Services website

For information about the 2023–24 May Budget, visit the Australian Government budget website

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