NDIS reforms

Quick links:

The Australian Government is committed to making improvements to the NDIS for all participants, their families, and carers.

The Independent Review of the NDIS (NDIS Review) looked at how to make sure the NDIS and the broader disability supports around it work well for the people with disability who depend on them.

The NDIS Review looked at the NDIS design, how it works, and how to make sure it can continue into the future. It considered how the NDIS can work better for people with permanent and significant disability.

An overarching goal of the NDIS Review was to put people with disability back at the centre of the NDIS and to create a sustainable NDIS for future generations.

The Australian Government is carefully considering the recommendations in the final reports of both the NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission before providing its responses.

Careful sequencing of any changes is needed to ensure important foundations are in place before broader reforms occur.

The Australian Government is committed to working collaboratively with states and territories and the disability community to progress the required reform.

What's on this page

  • Introduction to NDIS Changes
  • ‘Getting the NDIS back on Track’ Bill
  • Engagement
  • Stay Updated
  • Join NDIA Participant First
  • NDIS Community Conversations
  • Community Meet-ups and Events
  • NDIS Review Town Halls
  • Contact Us

Introduction to NDIS Changes

The Australian Government is working to improve the NDIS for everyone involved, including participants, their families and carers.

‘Getting the NDIS back on Track’ Bill

To make the NDIS better, the government introduced changes to the NDIS Act. These changes will help improve the NDIS in the future. The Bill passed in the Senate on 22 August 2024. You can find out more about proposed changes and the process on our Changes to the NDIS Act page.


We asked for your feedback on what goods and services should be NDIS supports.

Visit DSS Engage to learn more about the consultation.

Stay Updated

The Department of Social Services (DSS) and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) are working together to improve the NDIS. You can find the latest updates on our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Join NDIA Participant First

You can help make the NDIS better by joining Participant First. The NDIA wants your ideas and feedback.

NDIS Community Conversations

Join our events to share ideas and learn about NDIS improvements.

We hosted a series of NDIS Reform Community Catch Ups, where participants connected, shared their thoughts and learn about the latest updates to the NDIS. These events provided a platform for direct engagement with policymakers and community members. We have more events planned both in person and online and we invite you to join us.

Your voice matters in shaping the future of the NDIS, so be part of the conversation and help improve services and support for people with disability.

NDIS Reform Community Catch Ups

Minister Shorten hosted events in May and June 2024 to talk about NDIS changes. Here’s when and where they were:

  • Sydney morning tea was held Wednesday 8 May
  • Canberra event was held Wednesday 15 May
  • Perth morning tea was held Tuesday 21 May
  • Brisbane morning tea was held Friday 24 May
  • Online NDIS Community catch up was held Wednesday 5 June.

Read the summaries of the NDIS Reform Community Catch Ups.

You can view a video of the NDIS Reform Community Catch Ups with Auslan translation.

NDIS Review Town Halls

We held Town Hall meetings about the NDIS Review across Australia. These events shared more about the review’s suggestions. Visit our NDIS Review Town Halls page for event videos and summaries.

Contact Information

If you have questions, please contact us.

Email: enquiries@dss.gov.au
Phone: 1300 653 227
Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm (AEST).

If you are Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to contact the department. 
Website: accesshub.gov.au/nrs-helpdesk 
Phone: 1800 555 660

If you are more comfortable having a conversation in a language other than English, you can use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 and tell them you want to speak to the Department of Social Services on 1300 653 227.

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